Adding Items to Basket

There are many ways you can start your order:

Order Form

For those who like to enter codes or have a scanner to convert scanned items into a spreadsheet, you can directly upload the list in the Order Form option to add to basket.

By Search

After searching for products (see Product Search for more information), register or login to select cartons/units of items to add to basket.


Click on items in the catalogue to go to the product view and add them to cart.

Shopping List 

We have updated our Shopping List functionality to be more user friendly and provide the features you our customer have requested. You can now: 

Add Zero quantities to a shopping list

-Drag and Drop the order in which items appear in your shopping lists

-Save quantities to shopping list

-Zero all quantities on your shopping list

For more information, please view our cheat sheet here.


When you have finished adding all the items you want, you are ready to proceed to finalising the order.